Message from the President

TOP MESSAGE Masahiko Maekawa, President

Thank you for your continued interest in the Kosaido Group and for using our services.

The Kosaido Group, in addition to its founding information-related services, has expanded into human resource services and funeral-related services, all of which are deeply connected to people’s daily lives. With the decline in printed publications due to digitalization, the diversification of the workforce in an aging society with a low birthrate, and the need to address the challenges of a society with high mortality rates, the Kosaido Group believes that it must not only respond sincerely to our customers but also identify and meet their potential needs as we confront these social issues.

My career has primarily been in the financial industry, and in recent years, I have been involved in the startup sector, focusing on supporting portfolio companies and building business collaborations with large corporations. Financial services play a key role in keeping society functioning smoothly, while startups are committed to addressing societal challenges. Drawing on my past experiences, I will contribute to tackling issues in society and advancing medium- to long-term development of our business. With this in mind, I look forward to your continued support of the Kosaido Group.

Masahiko Maekawa, President