Basic Policy of Company Management

Basic Policy of Company Management

Since its founding as a printing company in 1949, the Kosaido Group has aimed to be a trusted corporate group under the management philosophy of “Kosai” (contributing to society at large in japanese), which is reflected in the company name. Specifically, the Group has taken an active role in the development of society and the creation of affluent lifestyles for people through various businesses such as printing, IT, human resources, and funeral services.
In addition, in order to provide the products and services that customers need, we are constantly taking on new challenges and developing our business with an “enterprising spirit” to stay one step ahead of customer and consumer demands.
As the social environment, lifestyles, and values change, the Group will continue to pursue the “customer-first principle” of seeking out and providing products and services that are truly needed by our customers, thereby becoming a corporate group that is needed by society and fulfilling our social responsibility.

  • Mission

    〈 What we hope to achieve 〉

    Further enrich 100-year lives

  • Vision

    〈 Our vision for the future 〉

    A company that creates myriad“thank yous”

  • Value

    〈 The value we provide to contribute broadly to society 〉

    Provide innovative services overflowing with gratitude
    through individual challenges and strong organizational connections

  • Action GuideLine

    〈 Principles for conduct 〉

    Begin by taking the initiative!

    • 01 Autonomously pursue challenges in new fields and learn extensively from both successes and failures
    • 02 Enjoy the process of change, fearless of changing ourselves or others
    • 03 Actively cooperate with others, effortlessly transcending organizational barriers
    • 04 Together, bring about innovations that will amaze society